Packages that use BigMoneyProvider | |
org.joda.money | |
org.joda.money.format |
Uses of BigMoneyProvider in org.joda.money |
Classes in org.joda.money that implement BigMoneyProvider | |
class |
An amount of money with unrestricted decimal place precision. |
class |
An amount of money with the standard decimal places defined by the currency. |
Methods in org.joda.money with parameters of type BigMoneyProvider | |
int |
Money.compareTo(BigMoneyProvider other)
Compares this monetary value to another. |
int |
BigMoney.compareTo(BigMoneyProvider other)
Compares this monetary value to another. |
boolean |
Money.isEqual(BigMoneyProvider other)
Checks if this monetary value is equal to another. |
boolean |
BigMoney.isEqual(BigMoneyProvider other)
Checks if this monetary value is equal to another. |
boolean |
Money.isGreaterThan(BigMoneyProvider other)
Checks if this monetary value is greater than another. |
boolean |
BigMoney.isGreaterThan(BigMoneyProvider other)
Checks if this monetary value is greater than another. |
boolean |
Money.isLessThan(BigMoneyProvider other)
Checks if this monetary value is less than another. |
boolean |
BigMoney.isLessThan(BigMoneyProvider other)
Checks if this monetary value is less than another. |
static boolean |
MoneyUtils.isNegative(BigMoneyProvider moneyProvider)
Checks if the monetary value is negative and non-zero, treating null as zero. |
static boolean |
MoneyUtils.isNegativeOrZero(BigMoneyProvider moneyProvider)
Checks if the monetary value is negative or zero, treating null as zero. |
static boolean |
MoneyUtils.isPositive(BigMoneyProvider moneyProvider)
Checks if the monetary value is positive and non-zero, treating null as zero. |
static boolean |
MoneyUtils.isPositiveOrZero(BigMoneyProvider moneyProvider)
Checks if the monetary value is positive or zero, treating null as zero. |
boolean |
Money.isSameCurrency(BigMoneyProvider other)
Checks if this instance and the specified instance have the same currency. |
boolean |
BigMoney.isSameCurrency(BigMoneyProvider money)
Checks if this instance and the specified instance have the same currency. |
static boolean |
MoneyUtils.isZero(BigMoneyProvider moneyProvider)
Checks if the monetary value is zero, treating null as zero. |
BigMoney |
BigMoney.minus(BigMoneyProvider moneyToSubtract)
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount subtracted. |
BigMoney |
BigMoney.minusRetainScale(BigMoneyProvider moneyToSubtract,
RoundingMode roundingMode)
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount in the same currency subtracted retaining the scale by rounding the result. |
static Money |
Money.of(BigMoneyProvider moneyProvider)
Obtains an instance of Money from a provider. |
static BigMoney |
BigMoney.of(BigMoneyProvider moneyProvider)
Obtains an instance of BigMoney from a provider. |
static Money |
Money.of(BigMoneyProvider moneyProvider,
RoundingMode roundingMode)
Obtains an instance of Money from a provider, rounding as necessary. |
BigMoney |
BigMoney.plus(BigMoneyProvider moneyToAdd)
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount added. |
BigMoney |
BigMoney.plusRetainScale(BigMoneyProvider moneyToAdd,
RoundingMode roundingMode)
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount in the same currency added retaining the scale by rounding the result. |
static BigMoney |
BigMoney.total(BigMoneyProvider... monies)
Obtains an instance of BigMoney as the total value of an array. |
static BigMoney |
BigMoney.total(CurrencyUnit currency,
BigMoneyProvider... monies)
Obtains an instance of Money as the total value of
a possibly empty array. |
Method parameters in org.joda.money with type arguments of type BigMoneyProvider | |
BigMoney |
BigMoney.minus(Iterable<? extends BigMoneyProvider> moniesToSubtract)
Returns a copy of this monetary value with a collection of monetary amounts subtracted. |
BigMoney |
BigMoney.plus(Iterable<? extends BigMoneyProvider> moniesToAdd)
Returns a copy of this monetary value with a collection of monetary amounts added. |
static BigMoney |
BigMoney.total(CurrencyUnit currency,
Iterable<? extends BigMoneyProvider> monies)
Obtains an instance of Money as the total value of
a possibly empty collection. |
static BigMoney |
BigMoney.total(Iterable<? extends BigMoneyProvider> monies)
Obtains an instance of BigMoney as the total value of a collection. |
Uses of BigMoneyProvider in org.joda.money.format |
Methods in org.joda.money.format with parameters of type BigMoneyProvider | |
void |
MoneyFormatter.print(Appendable appendable,
BigMoneyProvider moneyProvider)
Prints a monetary value to an Appendable converting
any IOException to a MoneyFormatException . |
String |
MoneyFormatter.print(BigMoneyProvider moneyProvider)
Prints a monetary value to a String . |
void |
MoneyFormatter.printIO(Appendable appendable,
BigMoneyProvider moneyProvider)
Prints a monetary value to an Appendable potentially
throwing an IOException . |