Packages that use CurrencyUnit | |
org.joda.money | |
org.joda.money.format |
Uses of CurrencyUnit in org.joda.money |
Fields in org.joda.money declared as CurrencyUnit | |
static CurrencyUnit |
The currency 'AUD' - Australian Dollar. |
static CurrencyUnit |
The currency 'CAD' - Canadian Dollar. |
static CurrencyUnit |
The currency 'CHF' - Swiss Franc. |
static CurrencyUnit |
The currency 'EUR' - Euro. |
static CurrencyUnit |
The currency 'GBP' - British pound. |
static CurrencyUnit |
The currency 'JPY' - Japanese Yen. |
static CurrencyUnit |
The currency 'USD' - United States Dollar. |
Methods in org.joda.money that return CurrencyUnit | |
CurrencyUnit |
Gets the currency. |
CurrencyUnit |
Gets the currency. |
CurrencyUnit |
Gets the first currency at fault. |
static CurrencyUnit |
CurrencyUnit.getInstance(Locale locale)
Obtains an instance of CurrencyUnit for the specified locale. |
static CurrencyUnit |
CurrencyUnit.getInstance(String currencyCode)
Obtains an instance of CurrencyUnit for the specified currency code. |
CurrencyUnit |
Gets the second currency at fault. |
static CurrencyUnit |
CurrencyUnit.of(Currency currency)
Obtains an instance of CurrencyUnit matching the specified JDK currency. |
static CurrencyUnit |
CurrencyUnit.of(Locale locale)
Obtains an instance of CurrencyUnit for the specified locale. |
static CurrencyUnit |
CurrencyUnit.of(String currencyCode)
Obtains an instance of CurrencyUnit for the specified ISO-4217 three letter currency code. |
static CurrencyUnit |
CurrencyUnit.ofCountry(String countryCode)
Obtains an instance of CurrencyUnit for the specified ISO-3166 country code. |
static CurrencyUnit |
CurrencyUnit.ofNumericCode(int numericCurrencyCode)
Obtains an instance of CurrencyUnit for the specified ISO-4217 numeric currency code. |
static CurrencyUnit |
CurrencyUnit.ofNumericCode(String numericCurrencyCode)
Obtains an instance of CurrencyUnit for the specified ISO-4217 numeric currency code. |
static CurrencyUnit |
CurrencyUnit.registerCurrency(String currencyCode,
int numericCurrencyCode,
int decimalPlaces,
List<String> countryCodes)
Registers a currency allowing it to be used. |
static CurrencyUnit |
CurrencyUnit.registerCurrency(String currencyCode,
int numericCurrencyCode,
int decimalPlaces,
List<String> countryCodes,
boolean force)
Registers a currency allowing it to be used, allowing replacement. |
Methods in org.joda.money that return types with arguments of type CurrencyUnit | |
static List<CurrencyUnit> |
Gets the list of all registered currencies. |
Methods in org.joda.money with parameters of type CurrencyUnit | |
int |
CurrencyUnit.compareTo(CurrencyUnit other)
Compares this currency to another by alphabetical comparison of the code. |
BigMoney |
BigMoney.convertedTo(CurrencyUnit currency,
BigDecimal conversionMultipler)
Returns a copy of this monetary value converted into another currency using the specified conversion rate. |
Money |
Money.convertedTo(CurrencyUnit currency,
BigDecimal conversionMultipler,
RoundingMode roundingMode)
Returns a copy of this monetary value converted into another currency using the specified conversion rate, with a rounding mode used to adjust the decimal places in the result. |
BigMoney |
BigMoney.convertRetainScale(CurrencyUnit currency,
BigDecimal conversionMultipler,
RoundingMode roundingMode)
Returns a copy of this monetary value converted into another currency using the specified conversion rate, with a rounding mode used to adjust the decimal places in the result. |
static BigMoney |
BigMoney.nonNull(BigMoney money,
CurrencyUnit currency)
Ensures that a BigMoney is not null . |
static Money |
Money.nonNull(Money money,
CurrencyUnit currency)
Ensures that a Money is not null . |
static Money |
Money.of(CurrencyUnit currency,
BigDecimal amount)
Obtains an instance of Money from a BigDecimal . |
static BigMoney |
BigMoney.of(CurrencyUnit currency,
BigDecimal amount)
Obtains an instance of BigMoney from a BigDecimal . |
static Money |
Money.of(CurrencyUnit currency,
BigDecimal amount,
RoundingMode roundingMode)
Obtains an instance of Money from a BigDecimal , rounding as necessary. |
static Money |
Money.of(CurrencyUnit currency,
double amount)
Obtains an instance of Money from a double using a
well-defined conversion. |
static BigMoney |
BigMoney.of(CurrencyUnit currency,
double amount)
Obtains an instance of BigMoney from a double using a well-defined conversion. |
static Money |
Money.of(CurrencyUnit currency,
double amount,
RoundingMode roundingMode)
Obtains an instance of Money from a double using a
well-defined conversion, rounding as necessary. |
static Money |
Money.ofMajor(CurrencyUnit currency,
long amountMajor)
Obtains an instance of Money from an amount in major units. |
static BigMoney |
BigMoney.ofMajor(CurrencyUnit currency,
long amountMajor)
Obtains an instance of BigMoney from an amount in major units. |
static Money |
Money.ofMinor(CurrencyUnit currency,
long amountMinor)
Obtains an instance of Money from an amount in minor units. |
static BigMoney |
BigMoney.ofMinor(CurrencyUnit currency,
long amountMinor)
Obtains an instance of BigMoney from an amount in minor units. |
static BigMoney |
BigMoney.ofScale(CurrencyUnit currency,
BigDecimal amount,
int scale)
Obtains an instance of BigMoney from a BigDecimal at a specific scale. |
static BigMoney |
BigMoney.ofScale(CurrencyUnit currency,
BigDecimal amount,
int scale,
RoundingMode roundingMode)
Obtains an instance of BigMoney from a double using a
well-defined conversion, rounding as necessary. |
static BigMoney |
BigMoney.ofScale(CurrencyUnit currency,
long unscaledAmount,
int scale)
Obtains an instance of BigMoney from a scaled amount. |
static BigMoney |
BigMoney.total(CurrencyUnit currency,
BigMoneyProvider... monies)
Obtains an instance of Money as the total value of
a possibly empty array. |
static BigMoney |
BigMoney.total(CurrencyUnit currency,
Iterable<? extends BigMoneyProvider> monies)
Obtains an instance of Money as the total value of
a possibly empty collection. |
static Money |
Money.total(CurrencyUnit currency,
Iterable<Money> monies)
Obtains an instance of Money as the total value of
a possibly empty collection. |
static Money |
Money.total(CurrencyUnit currency,
Money... monies)
Obtains an instance of Money as the total value of
a possibly empty array. |
Money |
Money.withCurrencyUnit(CurrencyUnit currency)
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the specified currency. |
BigMoney |
BigMoney.withCurrencyUnit(CurrencyUnit currency)
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the specified currency. |
Money |
Money.withCurrencyUnit(CurrencyUnit currency,
RoundingMode roundingMode)
Returns a copy of this monetary value with the specified currency. |
static Money |
Money.zero(CurrencyUnit currency)
Obtains an instance of Money representing zero. |
static BigMoney |
BigMoney.zero(CurrencyUnit currency)
Obtains an instance of BigMoney representing zero. |
static BigMoney |
BigMoney.zero(CurrencyUnit currency,
int scale)
Obtains an instance of BigMoney representing zero at a specific scale. |
Constructors in org.joda.money with parameters of type CurrencyUnit | |
CurrencyMismatchException(CurrencyUnit firstCurrency,
CurrencyUnit secondCurrency)
Constructor. |
Uses of CurrencyUnit in org.joda.money.format |
Methods in org.joda.money.format that return CurrencyUnit | |
CurrencyUnit |
Gets the parsed currency. |
Methods in org.joda.money.format with parameters of type CurrencyUnit | |
void |
MoneyParseContext.setCurrency(CurrencyUnit currency)
Sets the parsed currency. |