Uses of Class

Packages that use Money   

Uses of Money in

Methods in that return Money
 Money Money.abs()
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with a positive amount.
static Money MoneyUtils.add(Money money1, Money money2)
          Adds two Money objects, handling null.
 Money Money.convertedTo(CurrencyUnit currency, BigDecimal conversionMultipler, RoundingMode roundingMode)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value converted into another currency using the specified conversion rate, with a rounding mode used to adjust the decimal places in the result.
 Money Money.dividedBy(BigDecimal valueToDivideBy, RoundingMode roundingMode)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value divided by the specified value.
 Money Money.dividedBy(double valueToDivideBy, RoundingMode roundingMode)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value divided by the specified value.
 Money Money.dividedBy(long valueToDivideBy, RoundingMode roundingMode)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value divided by the specified value.
static Money MoneyUtils.max(Money money1, Money money2)
          Finds the maximum Money value, handing null.
static Money MoneyUtils.min(Money money1, Money money2)
          Finds the minimum Money value, handing null.
 Money Money.minus(BigDecimal amountToSubtract)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount subtracted.
 Money Money.minus(BigDecimal amountToSubtract, RoundingMode roundingMode)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount subtracted.
 Money Money.minus(double amountToSubtract)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount subtracted.
 Money Money.minus(double amountToSubtract, RoundingMode roundingMode)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount subtracted.
 Money Money.minus(Iterable<Money> moniesToSubtract)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with a collection of monetary amounts subtracted.
 Money Money.minus(Money moneyToSubtract)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount subtracted.
 Money Money.minusMajor(long amountToSubtract)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount in major units subtracted.
 Money Money.minusMinor(long amountToSubtract)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount in minor units subtracted.
 Money Money.multipliedBy(BigDecimal valueToMultiplyBy, RoundingMode roundingMode)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value multiplied by the specified value.
 Money Money.multipliedBy(double valueToMultiplyBy, RoundingMode roundingMode)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value multiplied by the specified value.
 Money Money.multipliedBy(long valueToMultiplyBy)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value multiplied by the specified value.
 Money Money.negated()
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount negated.
static Money Money.nonNull(Money money, CurrencyUnit currency)
          Ensures that a Money is not null.
static Money Money.of(BigMoneyProvider moneyProvider)
          Obtains an instance of Money from a provider.
static Money Money.of(BigMoneyProvider moneyProvider, RoundingMode roundingMode)
          Obtains an instance of Money from a provider, rounding as necessary.
static Money Money.of(CurrencyUnit currency, BigDecimal amount)
          Obtains an instance of Money from a BigDecimal.
static Money Money.of(CurrencyUnit currency, BigDecimal amount, RoundingMode roundingMode)
          Obtains an instance of Money from a BigDecimal, rounding as necessary.
static Money Money.of(CurrencyUnit currency, double amount)
          Obtains an instance of Money from a double using a well-defined conversion.
static Money Money.of(CurrencyUnit currency, double amount, RoundingMode roundingMode)
          Obtains an instance of Money from a double using a well-defined conversion, rounding as necessary.
static Money Money.ofMajor(CurrencyUnit currency, long amountMajor)
          Obtains an instance of Money from an amount in major units.
static Money Money.ofMinor(CurrencyUnit currency, long amountMinor)
          Obtains an instance of Money from an amount in minor units.
static Money Money.parse(String moneyStr)
          Parses an instance of Money from a string.
 Money amountToAdd)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount added.
 Money amountToAdd, RoundingMode roundingMode)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount added.
 Money amountToAdd)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount added.
 Money amountToAdd, RoundingMode roundingMode)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount added.
 Money<Money> moniesToAdd)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with a collection of monetary amounts added.
 Money moneyToAdd)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount added.
 Money Money.plusMajor(long amountToAdd)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount in major units added.
 Money Money.plusMinor(long amountToAdd)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount in minor units added.
 Money Money.rounded(int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value rounded to the specified scale without changing the current scale.
static Money MoneyUtils.subtract(Money money1, Money money2)
          Subtracts the second Money from the first, handling null.
 Money BigMoney.toMoney()
          Converts this money to an instance of Money without rounding.
 Money BigMoney.toMoney(RoundingMode roundingMode)
          Converts this money to an instance of Money.
static Money currency, Iterable<Money> monies)
          Obtains an instance of Money as the total value of a possibly empty collection.
static Money currency, Money... monies)
          Obtains an instance of Money as the total value of a possibly empty array.
static Money<Money> monies)
          Obtains an instance of Money as the total value of a collection.
static Money monies)
          Obtains an instance of Money as the total value of an array.
 Money Money.withAmount(BigDecimal amount)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with the specified amount.
 Money Money.withAmount(BigDecimal amount, RoundingMode roundingMode)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with the specified amount.
 Money Money.withAmount(double amount)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with the specified amount using a well-defined conversion from a double.
 Money Money.withAmount(double amount, RoundingMode roundingMode)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with the specified amount using a well-defined conversion from a double.
 Money Money.withCurrencyUnit(CurrencyUnit currency)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with the specified currency.
 Money Money.withCurrencyUnit(CurrencyUnit currency, RoundingMode roundingMode)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with the specified currency.
static Money currency)
          Obtains an instance of Money representing zero.

Methods in with parameters of type Money
static Money MoneyUtils.add(Money money1, Money money2)
          Adds two Money objects, handling null.
static Money MoneyUtils.max(Money money1, Money money2)
          Finds the maximum Money value, handing null.
static Money MoneyUtils.min(Money money1, Money money2)
          Finds the minimum Money value, handing null.
 Money Money.minus(Money moneyToSubtract)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount subtracted.
static Money Money.nonNull(Money money, CurrencyUnit currency)
          Ensures that a Money is not null.
 Money moneyToAdd)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with the amount added.
static Money MoneyUtils.subtract(Money money1, Money money2)
          Subtracts the second Money from the first, handling null.
static Money currency, Money... monies)
          Obtains an instance of Money as the total value of a possibly empty array.
static Money monies)
          Obtains an instance of Money as the total value of an array.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Money
 Money Money.minus(Iterable<Money> moniesToSubtract)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with a collection of monetary amounts subtracted.
 Money<Money> moniesToAdd)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with a collection of monetary amounts added.
static Money currency, Iterable<Money> monies)
          Obtains an instance of Money as the total value of a possibly empty collection.
static Money<Money> monies)
          Obtains an instance of Money as the total value of a collection.

Uses of Money in

Methods in that return Money
 Money MoneyFormatter.parseMoney(CharSequence text)
          Fully parses the text into a Money requiring that the parsed amount has the correct number of decimal places.

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